Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Getting Out the Word! (And, begging for help!)

On Friday evening, I happened to stumble across an event on Facebook, called March Against Monsanto. A national event page, with listings for several cities across the country. I hunted, and found one for Kansas City, the closest metro area to my humble little farm.
Having been raised in a family who did their gardening organically, as well as living by the "Hillbilly Creed" of "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without," and learning early on the joys of re-purposing and recycling things to avoid waste (mind you, it wasn't called that back then...), and having more recently learned the inherent dangers of tinkering with Mother Nature in any way, I was definitely interested.

I clicked on the link for KC, and, lo and behold, not a single local person had stepped up to be a host. Well, that would never do! So, I contacted a few friends, the main one of which had done as little event organizing as I have (read ZERO), and we jumped in, headfirst. From that humble beginnings, and a whopping dozen or less "going" listed that evening, the event has grown - over a holiday weekend, no less - to well over 300 listed as "going" this evening!

My friend and I soon discovered that event organization is not the proverbial walk in the park. But, we did manage to pick out a suitable park for the event start/end point, at least, and get it reserved for the event day! We've seen and received many suggestions, some awesome, some silly, and some downright unsuitable, for the event, and what should be done. We've slowly gathered or created suitable graphics for the event, and tiptoed (or blundered) through a few rough spots already, people-wise But, we've also discovered we may need a LOT more help than we'd initially thought we'd need. So if I come on here blubbering next time, you'll know what for. :-D

Next task - securing support, sponsors, and donations to make this a great event.



  1. yes, definitely understand the feeling of wow!! just today alone, i know the commitments to go have jumped maybe 100 just in one day. i am here to help as much as possible. i have a huge network of contacts..i have already spoke to a few regarding organizing some things..you just say when and where for next week and i will be there for meeting face to face..great idea..thank you for taking on this great march!!

    1. Thank you for stepping up to help keep us from drowning in details, peggylee! We just posted recently on the event page that we'd like to have a meeting the 13th at the JC Nichols Fountain about noon-ish, complete with picnic blankets, to collaborate face-to-face on what still needs done. https://www.facebook.com/events/443290505747820/ Check out the event page on FB! :-)
